Ethical Trading

We are committed to creating working conditions that are fair, equitable and rewarding, and working in environmentally sustainable ways


We take our corporate and social responsibilities seriously. We are a niche, privately owned business, working in an industry where the pressures on margins are such that employment and environmental considerations are not always what they should be. We aim to be an example to others.


Ethical trading policy

These are the standards we set ourselves, and form part of the contract of employment. We also ask all our suppliers to affirm in writing to us that their businesses are also built on these ethical criteria.  We have developed a full policy statement outlining how we expect our practice to develop in order to be able to offer strong guarantees to our customers that the products they receive from us have been ethically produced and traded.
•    All employment is freely chosen
•    All staff are entitled to belong to trade unions and collective bargaining is respected, to the extent permitted by local law
•    Working conditions are safe and hygienic
•    Child labour is not used
•    London Living Wages are paid
•    Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted
•    Working hours are not excessive
•    No discrimination is practised
•    Regular employment is provided
•    No harsh, cruel or degrading treatment or practices are allowed
•    No bribery, corruption, blackmailing or bullying is permitted
•    Good environmental stewardship is practiced


London Living Wage

The Living Wage is an hourly rate set independently and updated annually, calculated according to the basic cost of living using the ‘Minimum Income Standard’ for the UK. Decisions about what to include in this standard are set by the public; it is a social consensus about what people need to make ends meet. L’Aquila is a London Living Wage accredited employer – we believe that every member of staff deserves a Living Wage.


Sedex Membership

In addition to our ethical practices, we are proud to be members of Sedex, a global platform that promotes responsible business practices. Sedex provides a framework for transparency, ethical sourcing, and supply chain management. Our membership demonstrates our commitment to accountability and continuous improvement.


Working for the community

Nadia Luciani Howell, the Managing Director of L’Aquila, is a long standing and active patron and supporter of HOPE for Children (Reg Charity No: 1041258) and helping to raise significant funds for Handicapped, Orphaned, Poor and Exploited (HOPE) children. All staff and partners are encouraged to be an active member of their community and L’Aquila and our partners support many charitable initiatives.