November 2021
L'AQUILA are proud supporters of the heart-warming work Hope for Children does to change the lives of children worldwide and this year, we have challenged ourselves to a 'No Sweetember' fundraiser.

We are giving up sweet edible treats throughout the month of November (including chocolate, sweets, sweet biscuits, cakes...the lot!) and donating the money we would otherwise have spent to Hope for Children at the end of the month.
Hope for Children, like many other charities, has been hugely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic with the cancellation of many of their fundraising events and the loss of valuable income. We thought this easy fundraiser would be a great way to stay Covid safe whilst raising money... and make us all healthier in readiness for the festive season of plenty!
By participating in ‘No Sweetember’ you will be providing much needed funds for children who have been severely impacted by the pandemic. Indeed disadvantaged families living in the UK with young children have been hit hard. Free social contact between children has been drastically curtailed. They have suffered from a lack of physical exercise and disruption to early years socialisation, play and education. Together, in the current era of ‘living with Covid’, and the post pandemic era to come, these factors present a serious problem which Hope for Children is helping to address.
All funds raised can be deposited with Hope for Children between 30th November and 7th December using the campaign link Hope for Children ( All donations made within these dates will be matched and doubled as part of the Big Give Christmas Campaign.
Please consider doing whatever you can and spread the word to friends, colleagues and family. If you cannot manage a full month, perhaps try a week, or just weekdays?
We thank you for your support.